I used to work with erbaluce’s chef/owner (also in the nineties) and then Karen worked him later on (unbeknownst to me). Then because Facebook shows mutual friends, Karen and I realized we both know a woman in common (so random), and then to boot, my third grade teacher was dining at the next table! There were even more coincidences that evening, which honestly, living in the craziness of NYC now, I found very comforting. But let’s skip all that because I want to get to the food. I eat out all the time in New York, which can make a diner jaded. But I must say, Chef Draghi’s food was so surprising, so refreshing, and I am not saying that because I know him from way back when. Every dish I tasted contained fresh herbs, unique flavor combinations, strange juxtapositions that worked marvelously, plus Chuck’s special, magical touch. I urge you to stop in if ever you are in Boston. Please read my Q & A with Mr. Draghi, and you can get more details about erbaluce’s food (like the sunflower appetizer!) as well as the essence of the man behind the stove.
erbaluce/69 Church St/Boston/617-426-6969