It’s time to check off “write a cookbook” from your list of life goals!
You can make it happen now.

As 2020, most likely the craziest year of our lives, winds down, it’s normal to start thinking about goals for next year. I remember several years ago, when I still had “write a cookbook” on my list. It felt like a pipedream at the time. But I sat down, often at a Brooklyn cafe (back when that was a thing), and wrote out the ideas that had been swirling around my mind for a while. Somehow, little by little, paragraph by paragraph, recipe by recipe, I made it a reality.
Admittedly, there was some days it felt like it would never come together. But with lots of determination and perseverance, it happened. I remember the day my agent called me. It was during a concert at my daughter’s school. I recall that I was about to let go of it ever being published because she’d been shopping it around for a few months. I’ve learned, more often than once, that it’s those moments of “letting go” when things actually happen. I’d started putting it out of my mind and thinking I’d write something else.
But then she called.
I was sitting in the auditorium of a NYC-public school (also, back when that was a thing) watching my daughter and her adorable elementary classmates sing. My phone was on silent but I was holding it to take pictures. Then I saw my agent’s name pop up, but obviously I couldn’t and wouldn’t answer. I knew in that moment she had good news. I felt excited but remained focused on listening to the children singing. It was one of those special moments, when letting go and enjoying the moment come together.
Since then I’ve been asked many questions about writing a book, the answers of which I am putting together. For now, I will start with three reasons to know it’s time, finally, to put your your recipes and ideas out into the world–to get started on your cookbook.

The 3 signs it’s time to start writing your book!
You love creating new recipes, just because. You can spend hours in the kitchen cooking and creating; it’s just something you love to do. You probably have a notebook (okay, I am old-fashioned and still write in notebooks) or a Word doc full of recipes you’ve been writing for years.
You have a concept for a book but aren’t quite sure how to bring it together into a book. You have “some” idea but maybe need some feedback or further brainstorming sessions to hone in on the topic. But you’ve been considering you idea for months, possibly years, and it lingers in your mind. You want to see it come together and you feel now is the time.
You’ve had “write a cookbook” on your list of life goals for months, possibly years, and you don’t want to let another year go by without writing your book. It’s something that’s been on the top of your mind, but you aren’t quite sure how to begin but the voice inside says it’s time.
If you feel like it’s finally time to write your cookbook, sign up to get my guide: 5 Tips to Get Started on Your Cookbook Today! Click here.