Well I finally got my Le Creuset Oval French Oven. It’s in The Busy Hedonist’s favorite color, flame (orange), and it holds over 6 quarts, enough to make dinner for my entire family. I have a list of dishes I want to make in my new present, but I decided to start with short ribs, since hubby loves these. I’d read the recipe in Staff Meals from Chanterelle, a book close to my heart since I used to eat many staff meals while working at Union Square Cafe and Gotham Bar & Grill over 10 years ago (though the staff meals at Chanterelle sound so much better). Some weekend day, try these short ribs. They’re easy to prepare; all you need is time for them to simmer for 1 1/2 – 2 hours. I used Brooklyn Brown Ale but feel free to experiment with other dark beers. And definitely serve with mashed potatoes and bread.
Short ribs from Staff Meals from Chanterelle Cookbook
Serves 6-8
3/4 cup canola or other vegetable oil
5 to 6 pounds beef short ribs, trimmed of fat
4 large onions, halved lengthwise and cut crosswise into thin slices
2 tablespoons sugar
2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
4 bottles (12 ounces each) dark ale or beer
8 cups chicken stock
4 bay leaves
Coarse (kosher) salt and coarsely ground black pepper, to taste
Make the ribs
Heat 1/2 cup of the oil in a very large, heavy, flameproof casserole or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add only enough of the short ribs to fit into the casserole without crowding and brown well on all sides, 4 to 5 minutes per side. As the ribs are browned, transfer them to a platter and continue browning the remaining ribs in batches.
When all the ribs are browned and removed from the casserole, discard the oil from the casserole, but do not wash it (you want to keep those flavorful brown bits). Return the casserole to the stove. Add the remaining 1/4 cup oil and the onions and cook slowly, covered, over low heat until the onions are very soft but not browned, about 20 minutes.
Uncover the casserole and sprinkle the sugar over the onions. Cook, uncovered, stirring occasionally, until the onions have caramelized slightly and are just light brown in color, about 5 minutes. Sprinkle the flour over the onions and continue cooking stirring frequently, until the flour turns light brown, 3 to 4 minutes. Add 1 bottle of the beer and increase the heat to medium high. Bring to a boil, scraping the bottom of the casserole with a wooden spoon to loosen any browned bits.
Return the ribs to the casserole along with the stock, remaining beer, and bay leaves. Bring to a boil, skimming the top occasionally, then reduce the heat to low and cook, tightly covered, until the meat is very tender, 1 1/2 to 2 hours; you should be able to pull the bones from the meat with ease. Using tongs, transfer the ribs to a platter and let cool.
While the ribs cool, check the liquid in the casserole. If it’s thick enough to coat the back of a spoon, it’s ready to use as a sauce. If not, increase the heat to medium and reduce the liquid until it reaches the proper thickness. This may take up to an additional 15 minutes. Taste; the sauce should be slightly bitter, with a subtle, balancing touch of sweetness from the caramelized onions. Season with salt and pepper; remove and discard the bay leaves.
When the ribs are cool enough to handle, remove the meat from the bones. Discard the bones and return the meat to the casserole. Simmer until heated through, about 5 minutes. If you’ll be serving immediately, skim the fat from the surface of the sauce; otherwise, refrigerate overnight and remove the hardened fat before reheating.
Check out Staff Meals from Chanterelle:
Help! To make this brief: I own the Chanterelle Staff Meals book (and use it often) — we’re hosting a dinner party tomorrow night (Saturday) and the couple that was bringing the mac’n cheese has canceled at the last minute — I will now have to make mac’n cheese — I love the mac’n cheese recipe from the above book — that book is at my other home.
I’ve searched unsuccessfully on line. So …. any chance of you sending me the recipe from that book? I can’t remember it completely and want to make sure I don’t forget something.
Thank you much,