I like to think I have a green thumb. When I’m at the Union Square Greenmarket I buy tons of plants and herbs believing that I’ll be able to sustain an herb garden. But being so busy, I often forget they exist there on the windowsill, and they dry up from lack of water and I have to toss them and start all over again. But not this year! I think it helps that I put the herbs in my kitchen rather than in the living room windows, so they are close to the source of water, meaning I have no excuse not to keep up with their well-being. My basil, thyme, sage, spearmint and oregano are blossoming. Which is why I was intrigued by this herb holder. I wish that I’d had it back when I was letting my herbs burn like toast in the south-facing sun, bad plant mom that I am. I could have actually cut the herbs and used them in recipes before they wilted, since with this gadget they’ll stay fresh in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. But I didn’t discover it too late; I’ll just use it with any fresh herbs I buy. Maybe you don’t have a lot of time to keep a garden, so go buy one before summer ends. Visit Cuisipro.
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