I love eating fresh, seasonal food in its actual form, foregoing processed food in its often scary incarnations. Which is why I am excited for Erica Wides’ smart new radio show: Let’s Get Real: The Cooking Show About Finding, Preparing and Eating Food on the Heritage Radio Network.
Erica Wides, a Chef and Culinary Instructor at the Institute of Culinary Education, has appeared on PBS’s Stress Free Cooking, Martha Stewart Morning Living, the Food Network’s Chopped and Top Five, and HSN TV and she is a regular guest on NPR’s All Things Considered.
Here, Erica shares her food (and foodiness) philosophy with us, and why no one in their right mind should ever eat Trix Yogurt.
Tracey: What was the inspiration behind your new radio show, “Let’s Get Real?”
Erica: LGR was inspired by my growing alarm and disgust at what I have been seeing being sold as “food” in America in my adult life, processed, packaged, manufactured products taking the place of actual food. I’ve been a chef and teacher for 20 years, and have been lucky enough to be exposed to real, high-quality food, and to have been a part of the “green” food revolution. We’re at an interesting place right now because food awareness in the US is at an all-time high, but the major players in “Big Food” know that, and they are trying to cash-in on the revolution by “greenwashing” their same old junk products and re-marketing them as “healthy” or “sustainable”.
Tracey: Explain your foodiness philosophy.
Erica: Foodiness is all things manufactured, processed, packaged and marketed as food, that isn’t. Particularly, so-called “organic”, “healthy”, green-washed items that are just the same old wolf in green-sheep’s clothing. Foodiness sprung from “Truthiness”, a relic of the Bush-era, where statements were made and lies were told that weren’t based on fact or truth, just emotion or feelings. Foodiness is Truthiness, digested: Spray green spinach powder on a corn puff, and you get a warm, healthy feeling that you are eating something better than its neon-orange 1st cousin.
Tracey: I love what you said about Pirate Booty being “green” junk food. What other foods do you think are junk food in disguise?
Erica: One of the worst is Yogurt marketed to kids, like Trix brand, which is dyed and artificially flavored and has so much corn syrup and sugar added that it barely resembles real yogurt. It’s yogurt for people who would never dare eat yogurt, but think maybe their kids should. Also things like vitamin-enhanced beverages, which are still just water and sugar, maybe with a little green tea thrown in to give the illusion of “health.”
Tracey: Do you ever foray into “foodiness” or is that an absolute no-no for you? If so, what are some of the foodiness items you’ve eaten?
Erica: I honestly can’t think of any that I eat! Maybe flax-seed-multi-grain tortilla chips from Trader Joe’s? They’re still just chips, but with added stuff. Pretty tame Foodiness, I know. I have no problem eating things like pizza, or wings at a bar, or a burger. At least they are food in its true form. I just really try to avoid the processed.
Tracey: Where are some of your favorite stores to shop for groceries?
Erica: I like to shop at a few different places for different things. I’m really lucky to live in a neighborhood where I can do that. I get my produce at the Greenmarket or a local green grocer, or from my garden in the summer. My eggs come from a farmer. I’m also at an advantage because I work in a culinary school and there’s always a lot of random leftover stuff that I take home, so I don’t have to do any major grocery shopping. But I’m the exception, and my show is aimed directly at the person who doesn’t have access to all that. Maybe they live in a place with only a mega-market or a regular supermarket. I want them to see that if they look past all the foodiness, there still is real food there for them, too.
Tracey: Are there any food stores you avoid because of too much foodiness?
Erica: I know how to avoid foodiness because I don’t eat or buy it, so I wouldn’t be shopping at them. I mean I’m not going to shop at a convenience store, but unfortunately for many people that’s their only option. I’d avoid them, for sure.
Tracey: What would you absolutely never eat?
Erica: Artificial sweeteners. I will never ingest them. And soda, sugar/corn syrup-sweetened or artificial. I do however like a good gin and tonic, so I look for the artisanal brands of tonic, without corn syrup.
Tracey: What are some other foodiness “foods” that people think are food but aren’t?
Erica: All those “power” type bars, there very little food in them, just a lot of sugar and synthetic vitamins…all the cereals now that claim to be “whole grain” but really aren’t, like Captain Crunch. They are just using a strain of albino wheat, so it can be kept whole, but its still white…
Tracey: What’s the most revolting foodiness item you’ve come across?
Erica: I thing the Trix yogurt may be the one.
Tracey: Drinks aren’t innocent either. What are some of the non-drink drinks?
Erica: All the “value-added” sports-type drinks, green tea beverages, “juice” drinks in the little silver pouches, they are all either full of sugar or full of artificial sweeteners, dyes, flavorings. People give their kids gator-ade instead of soda because its foodiness incarnate. They think its better than soda. Why would you let a kid drink something blue?
Tracey: Ultimately, what do you want to teach people?
Erica: That real food isn’t for the elite. It available and accessible to everyone. The food industry has made people so fearful of food, afraid of preparing it, afraid of eating it and experiencing it. They want you to think its better to buy the frozen microwavable package of green beans with added sauce than throwing a bunch of beans in a pot and cooking them for five minutes. It’s not that hard. Our great grandmas did it, while they probably raised six kids and worked on a farm all day. I want people to stop thinking of food as an inconvenience.
Tune in to “Let’s Get Real with Erica Wides” on Tuesdays on Heritage Radio Network at 6:30pm (or listen to the podcast!). For more information, visit LetsGetRealShow.com
What “foodiness” foods do you absolutely avoid? Let me know in the comments below.
I’m all over this one! I never imagined that 99% of the work I do with clients would be moving them away from franken-foods and just teaching them how to cleanse their palate so that they could finally taste the beautiful flavors in fresh, whole foods. Great interview!
Great interview Tracey!
I love Ercia’s viewpoint on several things! One of my favorite parts is: she want to show people “That real food isn’t for the elite. It available and accessible to everyone. The food industry has made people so fearful of food, afraid of preparing…”. SO TRUE!! I eat mostly veggies and I actually have a friend tell me that they “could never eat what I do…” – what?
Yes, I too want people to stop thinking of food as an inconvenience. And we will get there!
Bravo Erica!
“Foodiness” is a new term for me, but I love reading about it.
I’m guilty of Pirates Booty loving, I will say!
Now I’m off to go check out the Let’s Get Real Show!
Yes yes yes! I have been know to yell at the television when encountering advertisements for greenwashed products. It’s absolutely horrifying what these big food companies are doing. And thank you for the comment that real food is not inconvenient! Who sold us that bill of goods?
I totally loved this article – and I knew those power bars weren’t good for you! The only problem with the “good” foods is that it takes longer to prepare them. If only there were a solution to getting them to prepare faster! I try very hard not to eat any chemicals in my food – but I’ll admit, I do have some exceptions. 🙂
“Real food isn’t for the elite.” I love this statement. “I want people to stop thinking of food as an inconvenience.” And this one! “It’s not that hard…our great grandmas did it…” And these too! If Eric Wildes show is anything her statements like this interview, I’m going to love it. Can’t Wait! 😉
This is a great line: “I want people to stop thinking of food as an inconvenience”.
It is so true how marketing and repacking is trying to “trick” us into thinking we are eating healthy! I have even seen this at places like Whole Foods! you have to be savvy these days to ferret out the real food from the fake! thanks for the great blog. I have found myself eating those “veggie” stix which are really, as she says, disguised colored french fries!
Thank you for this interview. It is a wonderful reminder to keep food simple and get back to basics!
Some great stuff here, especially about what our kids drink. Since when is OK that Gatorade is an everyday drink for kids?!! I coach a lot of my son’s team and it is infuriating to see what gets passed off as a healthy snack by parents. With football last year my wife and I had to create snack guide, and if it wasn’t on the guide it could be brought. So much of it is just a severe lack of education (um, um like the mom who was giving cookies to our soccer team mid-game to give them a “boost”), and proves why blogs like this and shows like Erica’s are so important.
This post kicked ass! Seriously! I am going to look Erica up and make her a regular part of my life. And what is with this new food in a pouch for kids…fruit purees and oatmeal goo….What is wrong with real fruit and it takes NO time to prepare REAL oatmeal….Astronauts must be so thrilled when a mission is OVER and they can eat REAL food….but here we are giving astronaut food in pouches to our kids as if it’s yummy and a normal thing to do. I will NEVER understand. Awareness and education are KEY! Thanks for this brilliant post!
I’ve been thinking a lot about my grandparents lately, so this statement really caught my eye. “It’s not that hard. Our great grandmas did it”. So very true! They did seem to take things at a different pace though. Planning and preparing in advance. Doing things in batches. Maybe even sharing the work with neighbors, or delegating to the older kids. Reminds me a bit of running a business, come to think of it. Like Jenny, Foodiness is a new term for me (although the concept isn’t). I’ll keep my ears open for more. ~ Loralee
Awesome stuff! I love how this interview speaks to everyone – I get accused of being a food snob (staying away from processed, eating organic, being “picky”) and I think it is mostly because people just aren’t educated. Of course, these are the same people who want to know why I look so much younger than my 42 years and lost 25 pounds several years ago. Go figure 🙂
Off to get this radio show!
So true, but must give Stephen Colbert props for coining the word ‘Truthiness’. And even though I know it’s a stretch I like to believe Pirate Booty has a lower foodiness factor than Cheetos 😉
Loving this article! Just sent it to some friends. I too had no idea about the difference and NOW, I am just learning that, it’s best to keep for in it’s natural state. To treat it as a blessing and to honor it in a magical way. I used want to fry everything but now, I am cooking and eating everything it’s own natural state. Also, I love how you two addressed the concept of healthy food should not just be for the wealthy. Since I live in the desert I have come to learn this is our new asset (clean water, which we are running out of) and green organic veggies, which we many times in my hood is reserved for the very rich.
Thank you! Very HOT topic! Very pertinent.
I am a warrior in this area as well. Shifts are happening in the school lunch rooms, not enough, but at least steps towards. White sugar and these empty carb/sugar foods are a direct cause to Diabetes 2 in adults and now its showing up in young people! It is such a battle! and… We are going to win it through making people aware. But in the meantime, we are losing numberless numbers of kids and adults to obesity and serious health problems. Its TRAGIC and hard not to go to… they are EVIL!
SO GLAD YOUR SHOW is out there! YAY!! THank YOU both for doing this post/interview on such a vital topic! and thus more exposure.
Awesome stuff! I love how this interview speaks to everyone – I get accused of being a food snob (staying away from processed, eating organic, being “picky”) and I think it is mostly because people just aren’t educated. Of course, these are the same people who want to know why I look so much younger than my 42 years and lost 25 pounds several years ago. Go figure :-)Off to get this radio show!
Awesome stuff! I love how this interview speaks to everyone – I get accused of being a food snob (staying away from processed, eating organic, being “picky”) and I think it is mostly because people just aren’t educated. Of course, these are the same people who want to know why I look so much younger than my 42 years and lost 25 pounds several years ago. Go figure :-)Off to get this radio show!
Amen! Thank you for this wonderful blog I am so excited because I am a foodie, and was just nodding my head in agreement the entire time.
Can we add to the list of things not to eat: soy milk. Totally processed and GMO. Oh and I am disgusted by these corn cups. Let’s not put any more GMO corn in our compost please!